Tova Gabrielle
hi folks.  i'm starting this blog to help myself and whomever would like to join me insure a happy fall or winter, as i tend to go under when the light changes.  so i'll go first:  my cousin asks how we will cope with the coming of the darkness, and here is my reply:
we'll cozy up together.  we'll play.  we'll watch funny movies.  we'll go snoshoeing up the hill (we have to get snowshoes), we'll walk on the lakes when they're real frozen, we'll ice skate and get ice skates, we'll photograph icicles.  we'll make snowmen with our grandchildren.  we'll go to museums.  we'll have a neighborhood talent show.  we'll have a block party.  we'll have pot lucks here for evolved people.  we'll have all kinds of fruit on hand.  we'll find new recipes.  we'll go for lots of walks and maybe even jog.  we'll talk as much on the phone is we need to.  we'll light a fire in the fire pit out back.  we'll take hot tubs.  we'll return the hot tubs after we take them.  we'll go for joy rides in mid october to see all the leaves.  we'll jump in leaves and swish them around when we walk on the country roads.  we'll smother each other with flattery.  we'll dress in terrycloth and chenille and silk and flannel.   we'll buy long silk underwear.  we'll go to the winter outlet stores near here and get amazing deals.  we'll have freezers full of frozen fruit.  we'll get puppies.  we'll ride horses.  we'll take a vacation in january to a warm place.  we'll look at national geographics and cut them up and make collages.  we'll get a horse and ride it to work.  we'll meet really cool people.  we'll go to the library and get enlightened.  we'll go listen to people who lived through wars tell us how precious winter in new england is.  we'll listen to our ancestors tell us how glorious snow is.  we'll get new eyes and they will sparkle in the light.  we'll be able to see rainbows whenever we look at the sun, the moon, or even lightbulbs and of course over each others heads.  we'll write like doctor suess.  we'll draw like doctor suess.  we'll write blogs and books, yours on kiddos and mine on dates gone awry.  we'll get a big trampoline.  we'll roll in the snow after using the hot tub.  we'll join a knitting group and make amazing hats and scarves.  we'll sit in cafe's and learn to play chess or bridge or pictionary or whatever you want, you can make up a psychological game and david and i will play it with you and it will be a huge hit in the cafe and others will want to play and we'll set up a thing.  we'll sleep A LOT.  we'll be like bears.  we'll be like rabbits and eat raw green food.  we'll make wheat grass juice and drink it even though some people say humans shouldn't eat grass.

we'll go on the raw sites and read about how everyone else is coping.

we'll have more supports than we ever imagined.

we'll rub each others feet and give eachother pedicures.  we'll have a friend build us a sauna. 

we'll eat good food at the brattleboro co op.

we'll take art classes and go to the art retreat in dummerston.

is that a start?

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