Tova Gabrielle

Prayer for myself and for israel

Unnamable Namer, help me comprehend and See
with eagle eye clarity
this self as other, and other as self,
and of my cause and effects, be made aware!

Pierce and drain this infection of fantasy that says
"this is me; this is not me,"

Heal and warm me
with Your Shimmering Shine,
Great Spirit, re-fill me with Nature Divine!

Mend the cord that re-connects
from misery to mystery
De-contaminated Mind from belief in "mine"

I bow only to You,
That You Will
attend to and keep alive
the fires of
these myriad candles
burning the "me" not too badly
yet hot the fire refine this firmament
opening the doors of a forgotten mansion

Reorganize Myriad
the rooms splendid still
protected in the house of The Body

Open up the
Temples in my brain,
Clear my Head, become bright with
the Centers to ebb and flow with grace,
alleviate my Centerdness of needing,
and my needing of pleasing.

From delusion that nothing
is enough.
Enough is Nothing.

May presence re-enter, refurbish
my Home, this body, it's Earth and Sky
Sky's sacred secrets protect,
and remake us All , in Gratitude, again,
Keep Us Alive

In an egg of gold light,
may movement without splintering and throwing
the Mine of the Great Mind, and Love's sacred waters
into sewers

For there I wish not to descend!

Though my eldest reside there,
My lover, frequent it's bars,
My father, who died there,
My mother who shrieks warnings
not to go there,
My twin may hate her,
My sister who envies me,

My daughter who would but heal me,
My son, befriend me,

Although all these pull me
Into the depths of despair,
I Do Know Better the Light that Lit me
And somehow I remember
That I am a member
of that family of God That Is
All Things Alive!

And I know with a certainty
(as certain as certainty goes
with all of it's limited "yes" and "no'"s,
that all things crave Happiness, Life and Loving

And thus I continue
As I did when I first fell
At age 15
Into soil of depression

Ascended delusional
sky of grandiosity,

I did know and do continue to know
that only Love Is Real.