Tova Gabrielle

Introductions to My Memories and True Lies

 Life has been unequivocally proven to be the number one cause of death. You can’t really argue with life’s obscure logic, because if you do you just die sooner.  First life beats you up and then it kills you....What a deal....

Memories and True Lies  

The psychologist and hypnotherapist, Milton Erickson, understood that , “any story told twice is a lie”. To that idea I would like to add, that while much of what I recall as true has been distorted by my own projections, some which had not occurred in normal waking consciousness reflects a truer and deeper reality.

Hence, in the following pages you will find a collection of “faction” from my life, including my memories, dreams, true lies, and ravings of a mad therapist (yours truly). Where damaging remnants remain, names and places have been changed, as well as some dialogue scrambled between my mind, the muse, and what some one might have said, had they the insight or will to say it…. or had they been who I wanted them to be.

Writer, Muriel Rukheyser once said that if one woman told the truth about her life, the world would split apart. Well, here’s to splitting.



Dear Family and Others Who Believe You Know Me,


Some of you are at a disadvantage:  you are dead.  And so I am not too worried about how you will be affected by my writing.  Not because I believe you won’t catch a ripple out there wherever you are but rather because you will not care, as you have no doubt cast off your egos.  I hope.  I presume, since none of you are presently haunting me.  I also presume that you may want to correct me where it is warranted. However, I urge you to use constraint, as those living will no doubt use none.

Now to you who are still sludging along in this morass of misery—I have to clear myself.  I didn’t mean it. Whatever I wrote that you thought is about you was purely coincidental. And as for any men who think I am writing about you, hey don’t flatter yourselves, you’re not that important and you’re not the only men I slept with or even married and besides you’re not that exciting. I hold no grudges.

So there it is. My disclaimer.  Now please take the next opportunity to clear out of the courtroom in my head?  There are ample exits.)

Oh, and Mom, you had mentioned that the people in the book all are evil except me: Your point?