Tova Gabrielle

Don't Ask; Offer

by Tova Gabrielle

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Seeking love
springs lionized longings
that hunts and stalks
the winds,
chasing delusions
long after dissolving bones
have disappeared.

it's absence,
and the timing
of seed to fruit,
or tree to soil,
cannot be shortened....

expose the seedling
to check on its growth,
and kill the process

deny death and forfeit living.

Life and death
cannot be measured
any more than the distance
between a ghostly silence
and the body’s remembrance
of holding someone within.

The Source of Life
is Here.

to desperately search for love
was to waste my vision
on fantasies birthed from neglect

I made the kind of love
that found me, fucked me,
and left me

while the old hunger remained
in obsession's pains.

I've learned that to
take in another person
meant imbibing another soul

What I bought with impatience,
what I named as love, was a morsel, a mirage
to quench emotional starvation,
a satiation that could not last.

The Source of Love is Here.

Seeking love,
and the push and the tug
was an utter waste of my time!
But Loving!
now That,
is its own reward.